Wednesday, 28 August 2013

6 Tips for Managing PMS

1. Limit caffeine:
While it may be hard to skip your morning java, some research suggests that the effects of caffeine are magnified premenstrually, leading to greater breast tenderness, more nervousness, and potentially more irritability.

2. Drink chamomile tea:
Premenstrually, chamomile tea may be particularly helpful because it contains properties that relieve muscle spasms, and may therefore help reduce the severity of menstrual cramps.

3. Follow good mood advice:
Moodiness is a classic symptom of PMS. All the good-mood advice about getting appropriate amounts of exercise, eating regularly throughout the day, getting the right mix of proteins and high-quality carbohydrates, and decreasing stress apply to PMS as well.

4. Avoid salt and salty foods:
PMS causes bloating and water retention — and so does salt. Ergo, salt can make those problems of PMS worse. It's best to avoid the saltiest offenders like canned soups and vegetables, deli and processed meats, salty condiments

5. Get enough sleep:
Hormonal shifts can make some women lose sleep, which in turn may make them irritable. It is generally important to get enough sleep to level out moods. Premenstrually, sleep becomes crucial.


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